Tag Archives: marijuana

New Marijuana Impairment Technology

In the dynamic realm of marijuana regulation, technological innovations are continually reshaping how we approach the detection of marijuana use. One such advancement making waves is the marijuana breathalyzer, pioneered by biotech company Hound Labs.

Hound Labs has introduced a groundbreaking product capable of detecting marijuana use through breath samples....

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Drug Testing In Your Hybrid Workplace

Prioritizing employee well-being is paramount, regardless of the actual environment in which that work takes place. One proactive measure to ensure a safe working environment is drug testing. However, implementing drug testing requires discretion and adherence to legal and ethical considerations, no matter the setting.

Drug use can impair performance,...

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Navigating Marijuana Policies in the Workplace

As medical and recreational marijuana gain legal ground in more states, employers are taking a fresh look at their nationwide drug and alcohol policies. Yet, despite shifts in state-level regulations, marijuana retains its federal Schedule I classification. This introduces safety concerns for employers, as employees using marijuana could potentially arrive at work impaired,...

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Changes in Testing for Marijuana in the Workplace

While some states may be reclassifying marijuana in their drug testing, a drug-free workplace policy's purpose is to help keep employees safe. Employers should review any new statutes and news for their state and, with legal counsel, adjust their policies accordingly.
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41,000 Truck Drivers Test Positive for Marijuana

The most recent report from the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) provided data that in 2022, approximately 41,000 truck drivers tested positive for marijuana, a 32 % increase from 2021. From 2020 to 2022, more than 100,000 truck drivers tested positive for marijuana, but less than half of these drivers completed the return-to-work process.
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