Common Synthetics & Their Effects

Common Synthetics & Their Effects

Common Synthetics & Their Effects

Synthetic marijuana that mimics actual marijuana (K2 or Spice) are herbal mixtures sprayed with chemicals that produce effects similar to marijuana and falsely marketed as "safe," legal alternatives to actual pot. Potency can by 100 times that of marijuana. The dangerous effects are elevated blood pressure and heart rate, hallucinations, heart palpitations, increased agitation, seizures, nausea and vomiting, anxiety or panic attacks, feelings of alienation, psychotic episodes, acute kidney injury and failure, and death.

Molly which is the purest form of MDMA (Mephedrone, similar to Ecstasy) which causes an overproduction of dopamine in the brain. The effects include rushes of exhilaration, restlessness, irritability, impulsiveness, aggression, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, dehydration, reduced mental ability, anxiety, nausea, chills, involuntary jaw clenching and teeth grinding, muscle cramping, kidney failure, and heart failure.

Bath Salts or cathinones derived from the Khat plant mimic amphetamines or speed (Ivory Wave, Tranquility, Cloud 9). Certain formulations can be more addictive than methamphetamine. The effects include hallucinations, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, agitation, increased heart rate, hypothermia, seizures, fits and delusions, insomnia, kidney failure, risk of renal failure, violent rage, dysphoria, chest pain, hypertension, vasoconstriction, panic attacks, muscle spasms, and death.

Flakka is one of the newest of the Bath Salts has effects including high body temperature, kidney damage, severe agitation, aggression, psychosis, delusions, hallucinations, extreme paranoia, delirium, and extreme violent outbreaks.

Kratom is an herbal drug from the Kratom tree in Southeast Asia. Marketed as a natural pain reliever and alternative to prescription narcotics. This substance has at least 22 compounds that act as poisons, some that can be ten times more potent than morphine. Effects include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dehydration, frequent urination, skin irritation, depression, insomnia, malnutrition, organ dysfunction, lowered immune system, respiratory illness, cardiac problems, and dark spots on face.